Council tax 2019
Every year, the council tax bill goes up . Our council tax is one of the highest in the country, yet residents feel that they are not getting value for money. The increase is to pay for the services that Elmbridge Borough Council, and Surrey County Council provide, as well as paying for policing in Surrey. Council Tax for 2019/20 for a Band D property in Elmbridge is £1,935.37, an increase of 3.9% on last year. So where does the money go? Surrey County Council and the Police both receive more money than Elmbridge Borough Council from your Council Tax. Out of the £1,935.37 a band D household pays, only £221.30 goes to Elmbridge Borough Council. This year, there was an extra increase due to more money being raised to pay for the Police. When the Lib Dems were in coalition with the Resident’s Associations, the increase in the Elmbridge Borough Council rate was 1.9%. This year under the Conservatives the increase for Elmbridge is 2.9%. More information from Elmbridge How did Elmbridge spend my money in 2017-2018 How did Surrey spend my money in 2017-2018?