Dog Mess
As you walk around Weybridge you might notice the signs on the roads about fouling the footpath. I would not have such signs. Considerate dog owners don't need them and the inconsiderate dog owners take no notice anyway. Of course, such mess is totally unacceptable. I think that there should be a cultural understanding that messing the footpath by dogs (just like humans) should not happen. My wife told me of a time when there was significant mess in front of the gate at St James School and, dispite the best efforts of the parents, the little ones trampled it into the school where they sit on the mat for story time and it goes from shoes to clothes. General cleaning is undertaken by the borough’s environmental team but if specific hazards are located a smart phone photo emailed to with the location should bring out Street Smart within hours. Or call 01372 474775. I think it is worth putting both details on your phone – I have. If the service is tardy please let me know.