Elmbridge and Skin Cancer
When comparing the quality of life in Elmbridge to that of England as a whole the people of Elmbridge do strikingly well. In the English benchmark for deprivation (number of people living in an area of the most deprived 20% of the country) Elmbridge scores nil - Kensington and Chelsea scores as poorly as 24% in deprivation as does Westminster. Three quarters of Elmbridge people are in the top 20% of England and around 90% are in the top half for England. But averages can hide pockets of greatly disadvantaged people in corners of our borough. You can look at all the health indicators here In nearly all indicators Elmbridge is in the top quarter. There are only two indicators whereby Elmbridge is worse than the national average: excess winter deaths and skin cancer. Could it be that Elmbridge burghers holiday in the sun too often without protecting themselves against the sun's rays? For a more detailed summary of Elmbridge folk click on this: Elmbridge Health Profile 2014