The borough's West Area Planning Sub-committee tonight decided to approve the officer's recommendation to object to this proposal for the reasons given below. Surrey has now had objections from Elmbridge, Guildford and Woking Boroughs on this matter. Surrey will be considering its decision on 12 December at the earliest. Reasons for refusal: 1. The proposed development represents inappropriate development within the green Belt and it is not considered that the very special circumstances put forward by the applicant outweigh the harm to the green belt that would be caused by this proposal. The proposal is therefore contrary to the requirements of national policy contained within the NPPF. 2. The proposal by virtue of the size, scale, height, mass and bulk of the industrial buildings and flue gas stack would have a significant detrimental harm on the openness of the green belt contrary to the requirements of the NPPF paragraphs 79 and 89 and Elmbridge Core Strategy Policy CS1. 3. The proposed use by HGVs at the levels proposed is considered to cause further harm to both the character of the area and local amenities contrary to the requirements of Core Strategy Policies CS17 and saved Replacement Borough Local Plan Policies ENV7 and MOV4.