Liberal Exchange about Euro elections with Antony Hook MEP candidate for the South East and Monica Harding Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Esher and Walton
Having only just ‘wrapped up’ the local Elmbridge election there’s another election looming in a couple of weeks - the European Parliamentary election on 23rd May. Here’s an opportunity to learn more about European Parliamentary election, Parliament itself, how it works and how our MEPs are contributing. are delighted to have Antony Hook, Liberal Democrat MEP candidate for the South East join us this Sunday 12th May at 7pm at King George's Hall in Esher (opposite the Civic Centre) to tell us more about European Parliament and its role. You’ll be able to put questions to Antony and engage in a discussion about the current state of affairs in Brexit negotiations. Antony is an international criminal barrister by professional background so he also knows a thing or two about cross border crime, and why European cooperation is essential. But not just in crime, but also in how to tackle climate change and air pollution, transport, research cooperation, agriculture, technical standards and other key areas. The event will be hosted by Monica Harding, Lib Dem Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Esher and Walton. You and your friends are warmly welcome on Sunday night (12th May at 7pm) to this free event!