Make your views known
Are your views taken into consideration when Elmbridge makes its policy decisions? Elmbridge borough is keen to know what Elmbridgeans think about how they are being governed locally. Accordingly, the borough has set up a survey panel consisting of burghers who are asked for their views two to three times a year. How can you join the panel? All burghers* may join as well as other Elmbridge residents over 18. Join now How does it work? Online panel members will be sent an email with a link to a survey. This could be about anything the borough is working on, including borough priorities, budget, service satisfaction and other aspects of life. Each survey is expected to take around ten minutes to complete. Please be assured that your details will be used for statistical purposes only and will be held in the strictest of confidence. Details will not be passed onto any third party. These consultations are usually questionnaires though occasionally we invite panel members to take part in workshops or focus groups. Survey results from previous years
*A burgher is anyone entitled to vote for a councillor to represent them in the borough’s full council.