Old Heath Road Puddle
A many of you know, there has been a large puddle outside the station in Old Heath Road for over thirty years. Liberal Democrat candidate for Weybridge South Sue Bohane had the drain cleaned out but the problem is more deep-seated than that. So working with Weybridge's Cty Cllr Christian Mahne we have got closer to a remedy. Cllr Mahne has arranged with Surrey highways to find the budget to fix the problem in the financial year 2014/15. The main drain has an ineffectual gradient and Surrey highways decided that relaying the main drain would be too expensive. Cllr Mahne tells me that the lesser of two evils was to create a new soakaway instead of digging the thing up and extending a new drain. A new soakaway will be located in the hillside separating the highway with the station. It's taken so long because the prevailing wisdom had always been to spend the money on the areas that affected the most people - roads basically - and all the other niggles fell by the wayside including this one. It's going to cost something like £26k (highways think). Cllr Mahne will be part funding it with his highways allocation but highways are just sorting out the finance for the rest of it at the moment.