Our community supports our foodbanks
Residents needing to make use of foodbanks has increased dramatically. Walton and Hersham have reported a 72% increase in the number of people in need of help against this time last year.
Our foodbanks have managed to deliver for our residents while needing to overcome new operational difficulties due to Covid-19. Stock to prepare food parcels has been maintained thanks to additional collection points outside residents’ houses, and from requests for help on social media.
We all hope for a day when foodbanks are no longer needed in our society, but until then please think about donating to your local foodbank through collection points or contacting them directly.
Walton & Hersham Foodbank
Tel: 0203 328 0243 / 07884 046665
East Elmbridge Foodbank
Tel: 07908 777475
Cobham Foodbank
Tel: 01932 450282
Runnymede & Weybridge
Tel: 01932 838 383