Parking Reporting Back
As mentioned in a previous post, this year Surrey has sought requests for on-street parking changes for the people of Weybridge. A number of the requests were accepted for implementation - although more were rejected. Dorchester, Gascoigne, Limes and Minorca There were a few requests for residents' permit schemes. All bar Bloomfield Court were rejected. Despite the petitions and emails to Surrey Highways about changes needed to parking in Dorchester, Gascoigne, Limes and Minorca Roads the Highways officers' recommendation to Surrey's Elmbridge Local Committee was not to make any changes in these streets at this time. Before Monday's local committee meeting Cllr Andrew Davis discussed the matter with various members of the committee including Cllr Tim Oliver, Weybridge's Surrey county representative and County Cllr John O'Reilly, the chair of the local committee. The two main reasons the highways officers put forward for taking no action now were: there was a comprehensive programme to deal with the parking problems of Weybridge holistically and the petitioned schemes were too large at this stage; and, they could cause displacement. The counter argument put by Cllr Davis was that taking a holistic approach does not mean that all action has to wait until some comprehensive development occurs. This wait could be three to five years or longer. And, since all parking regulations will cause displacement, a judgement has to taken as to the significance of the effects of the displacement. At the meeting, recognising that due process did not allow for a final decision to be made in that meeting, Cllr Andrew Davis requested that ward and divisional councillors meet with the officers to review possibilities, with a view to a decision being made expeditiously under the chairman's delegated authority. This was agreed by the local committee, and the chairman said he would use his delegated authority if necessary. What should happen The councillors and officers will meet to decide what proposal to put forward and how the informal consultation should be undertaken. If a consensus can be reached a proposal will be advertised early next calendar year. Continued Pressure Surrey can seem remote - because it is. With the best will in the world, it is difficult for Surrey to fully grasp the nuances of parking stress over time and distance. The highways engineers bring a wealth of knowledge on the effectiveness of each type of measure but we must be continually engaged with Surrey's parking implementation process if we are to share the scarce resource of parking spaces effectively. The focus team will work with to you.