Using the parking surplus for our town
Elmbridge's car parks make a surplus each year and up till now this has gone into the borough's general fund for spending on our services, from meals on wheels to parks and recreation grounds. Weybridge generates the highest surplus in Elmbridge so would gain most if some of the surplus was used to pretty up the town. In fact this is one of the initiatives brought in by the borough's Liberal Democrat/Residents administration last year for action this year. The plan is to set up a fund for each town, based upon the surpluses from car parks in that town. The council agreed this policy on 19 July 2017 to begin in the year starting May 2018 from funds accumulated in 20217/18. This extra funding will be made available to support local sustainable transport and highway improvements, or extra townscape improvements. The precise figures are not ready yet, as the year is not complete. Our plan is for the proportion of parking surplus dedicated to these projects to increase year by year. We would really be interested in you views on what you would like to see.