Take one last look
On Tuesday, 15 April Morrisons' agents plan to cut down the London plane tree at the junction of Monument Road and Monument Hill. According to Carolyn Pennycook of the Weybridge Society, around 1960 the Weybridge Society (then Residents assn.) campaigned for trees to be planted in areas of Weybridge, including this location. It was decided to plant a plane tree - cost estimated to be £5 for the tree and labour, 15/- (75p) for the iron stake and £2 for the fertiliser and soil. This makes the tree about 50+ years old. Too often we seem only to miss things once they have gone. A Weybridge resident suggested to me that the tree could be lifted up and placed somewhere else. This is how they do it. Although an expert told me that our tree is a little too large for this process.