Walton Lane Lorries
Walton Lane action on over weight lorries has had a response from Surrey on replacement signage at Walton Bridge Surrey proposes a road sign along the A244 on the western (lower side) side of the new bridge which along with providing directional details for drivers of the Walton Lane junction does warn drivers of the 7.5 ton weight limit. In addition Surrey says that a new sign will be installed on the opposite approach to Walton Lane along the A244 for traffic heading north - away from Walton. These signs will be enforced by two round weight limit signs located at the junction of Walton Lane with the A244 on both sides of the road. Surrey says that theses signs will be installed in mid-<wbr />February once all of the groundworks have been completed where the signs are to be installed. We still need to get the signage at the western end improved.