Weybridge Parking Review
Rikki Hill, Surrey's Parking team leader has kindly passed me the list of residents' requests for changes to be made to parking restrictions in Weybridge. He uses this list to inform his recommendations to the Surrey Local Committee which then, subject to consultations, decides on any changes to be made to yellow lines and other parking restrictions. If your street is not on this list below then Surrey will understandably think that you are content with matters as they stand in your street. Make your parking suggestion here. As ever the earlier the better. I would appreciate it if you were to email me as well. A number of people also want to stop "pavement" parking. There is no statute law in Surrey that stops parking on the footway. So parking on the footway is lawful. Common law states that once on the highway one must continue to move and not to cause obstruction. Sadly the police will only act if the obstruction is severe and they have to be around to see it. It takes a lot of police time and the sanctions are not great. It is unlawful to park on the footway in London. It could be the same in Surrey too. But the Conservative Surrey government refuses to make parking on the footway unlawful. The Liberal Democrats would make parking on the footway unlawful as soon as practically possible. My understanding is that it would take a few months. So ending the need for people in wheelchair and buggies having to use the carriageway to get passed a poorly parked car. Proposed parking changes are in the following streets: Beales Lane, Church Street, Elmgrove Road, Gascoigne Road, Oakdale Road, Portmore Park Road and Thames Street. If your street is not included make your parking suggestion here (I have only listed streets in the north of Weybridge - contact me if you want the list extended to where you live.