Who gets our taxes
We pay £45.50 everyday in taxes, on average, here in Elmbridge - that's for every man, woman and child living in the borough. We pay Elmbridge 34p a day, Surrey £2.48 a day, Britain £42.15 a day and Europe 55p a day. Because, on average, we in Elmbridge are richer than the average person in Surrey we contribute more than other residents of Surrey - we are net contributors. Again, because we are richer, on average, than most people living in Britain will pay more per person to Westminster than the rest of Britain - we are net contributors. It is as if the average family in Elmbridge writes a cheque to an average family in Fermanagh for around £1,500 a year. Finally, because, on average, we in Elmbridge are richer than than most people in Europe we pay more per person to Brussels than the rest of Europe - we are contributors. It is as if the average family in Elmbridge writes a cheque to an average family in Estonia of £23 a year. Via government transfers, families in Elmbridge have been paying families in Fermanagh £1,500 a year for decades and no-one raises an eyebrow. Has anyone said "we want our money back" to the people of Northern Ireland? We give, say, £23 a year to families in Estonia and Brexiters go ballistic. The Estonians sang their way to independence from the Soviet Union and they are on the front line with Russia. The Estonians are a hard work people and the speed with which Estonia is growing, with our help, out of their Soviet Union legacy is remarkable. They'll soon be supporting us. The 55p a day that each of us in Elmbridge pays, on average, to Europe is a remarkably small insurance premium for our security and well-being.