You have seen it before ...
Is this true? Not in Elmbridge it isn’t. Nor is it true that the Liberal Democrats or the Residents’ parties plan to build these houses. Yet this is a claim the local Tories have made in their manifesto. Don’t be taken in by what the Tories are putting in their election material on the Green Belt. They have claimed that the current Lib Dem/Residents coalition administration is proposing to build over 5,000 homes on the Green Belt, and that this was opposed by the Conservatives. This statement is utterly untrue. An intentional untrue statement is a lie
- The Conservatives voted for the Strategic Options consulted on last year which were unanimously agreed by the whole Council, including all the Conservative councillors.
- The Conservative national government requires the borough to plan for the building of up to 12,000 extra homes in Elmbridge.