Zelda Pitman (Cobham and Downside)
Zelda Pitman grew up in Guildford and Weybridge, and has lived in Cobham since 2010. Zelda has two sons who attend school locally, and she works as a solicitor in Guildford. If elected she will work to ensure that the Council makes sound, practical, justifiable decisions in the interests of the whole community. Zelda has long been active in her local community, volunteering with charity fundraising events and social care for the elderly. She is a fervent believer in a fair society for all and is concerned by the in-creasing reliance by hard working local families on food banks, as well as rising incidents of homelessness. Zelda and her husband commute every day, so local traffic and transport issues are a serious consideration for her. With two primary school age children, Zelda is also concerned that education standards remain high and that everyone has access to good school places. 1. Cobham is congested and that creates daily problems for the residents, plus traffic fumes which deteriorates air quality. Single residences are knocked down and blocks of flats are built without any thought given for its impact. I am also concerned about homelessness and families relying on food banks, plus standards in education. 2. If elected my focus will be on bringing the community together to consider how we want Cobham to evolve. We want the process to be bottom up and as part of it I would want to encourage volunteering. Housing, traffic, vital services like social care, families in need and education will be my focus.