
As a local organisation we’ve been spending time listening, learning, and exploring how best we can contribute to this emotive discussion.
First of all we should be clear. Liberal Democrats firmly believe that Black Lives do Matter and that there are still many prejudices and injustices that continue to exist within society that humanity hasn’t yet managed to eradicate.
There are still many hurdles for black and minority ethnic groups to negotiate, that white people do not have to. Racism affects every part of your life if you are a victim of it.
Elmbridge Liberal Democrats have a majoritively white membership, this is a reflection of the demographics of the residents of our Elmbridge Borough. It would be quite easy for anyone to believe that this problem “isn’t an issue here”.
As much as people may think we do not have racism, poverty or homelessness in Elmbridge. The fact is, sadly, we do.
It’s important that we recognise what it means to be an ally, and to make sure that Elmbridge reflects upon itself and takes any steps it can to improve racial equality within the borough.
So what can we as an organisation do?
As a starting point we have created a survey looking at the most important way that we can be an ally and know how to act for everyone, fairly and justly.
It is for us to listen as we hear your voice, your stories and your concerns.
We cannot rewrite history, nor should we try, but we certainly should be learning from past mistakes. We know violence is not the answer but understanding, mutual acceptance and equality can heal the horrific errors that have been made so many times in the past.
Liberal Democrats nationally have written about how “To remain silent is to remain complicit”
- Tell us about your experiences in our short survey
- Read Leader of Elmbridge Borough Council's statement