Conservatives are leaving Esher and Walton residents “high and dry” over GP appointments

Conservatives are leaving Esher and Walton residents “high and dry”, says Monica Harding as the Lib Dems reveal a plan for patients to be seen by their GPs. Analysis from the Liberal Democrats has revealed that over 91,000 patients in the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (ICB) area were forced to wait more than two weeks for a GP appointment in September. This totals 19% of all GP appointments that month.
Across the country, over five million patients waited more than two weeks for a GP appointment in September.
The Liberal Democrats said the “alarming figures” show that patients in Esher and Walton are being let down, with the party setting out plans for patients to have a right to see their GP within a week, or within 24 hours if in urgent need.
The policy would enshrine this right in the NHS Constitution, putting a duty on the government and health service to make sure it happens. It would be achieved by increasing the number of GPs, fixing pension rules to prevent so many doctors retiring early, and increasing the number of nurses and pharmacists fully qualified to prescribe day to day medicines.
Liberal Democrat Campaigner Monica Harding said, “The Conservative government is denying Esher and Walton residents timely access to GPs. Behind these statistics are local people waiting for an appointment for worrying symptoms, where timely medical intervention may be critical. It’s also adding to the stress on A&E departments.
“I am proud that Liberal Democrats have put forward a credible plan to ensure everyone is seen by a GP within one week. It should be implemented with urgency. Every day the government’s promises become more and more hollow. People here in Esher and Walton will pay the price if this government continues to sit on their hands”