Delivering our Vision for Elmbridge

As we emerge from the pandemic, the leaders of Lib Dem/RA-run Elmbridge Borough Council have set out their exciting vision for the year ahead, prioritising the wellbeing and safety of all local residents and businesses.
“Our Council Plan for 2022/23” which delivers on many of the commitments set out by Elmbridge Liberal Democrats ahead of the 2021 local elections, is a robust and sustainable programme. It includes:
- a new Local Plan for Elmbridge;
- at least 100 affordable homes;
- a new leisure services contract;
- £1 million in capital projects and a £500,000 fund to deliver our carbon neutral commitment;
- tree planting, improving play areas and maintaining green spaces;
- investment in local independent businesses; and
- support for Cobham’s aim to be a “business improvement district”
- installation of solar panels and more electric vehicle chargers in car parks
The Council Plan reflects the changing post-pandemic role of our wonderful towns and villages, with a focus on transformation, on supporting residents’ physical and mental wellbeing and on helping communities to thrive. The Council will provide essential services for residents while enabling volunteering and community groups to come together for the greater good. It will support our high streets, as they evolve into community hubs. It will provide well-maintained leisure facilities, play areas, green spaces and commons. Most importantly, it puts sustainability at the heart of our vision, our plans and our budget.
Cllr Bruce McDonald, leader of the Liberal Democrats on Elmbridge Borough Council, said: “I am delighted that, with the collaboration of our partners on Elmbridge Borough Council, we can put forward this robust, sustainable and prudent plan for the next year. I was elected to the Council last May on a manifesto that promised the Lib Dems would stand up for local people, deliver the vision we share with our residents and that we would care, be decent and competent. All of these values - along with many of our specific policy promises - are reflected in this Plan, which will help our wonderful Borough and all its residents, businesses and communities to continue to thrive.”
You can read Our Council Plan here: