Don't be a bystander!

Meeting on the Government’s Asylum Bill
Inspired by Gary Lineker? Concerned about the Government’s Illegal Immigration bill and its affects on refugees and asylum seekers? Wondering what to do about it?
Come join us at 7pm on Wednesday 22nd March at to hear:
Steve Crawshaw
Celebrated writer and journalist, former Director at Freedom from Torture, including working to confront the Government’s much-criticised immigration proposals,
Jeannie Tweedie
Co-Director of Elmbridge CAN, a community, volunteer-powered, non-political Elmbridge charity aiming to build a culture of welcome to refugees and the settlement of more refugees within Elmbridge.
Monica Harding
Parliamentary Candidate for the Liberal Democrats in Esher and Walton, also former President and CEO of Refugees International Japan and Board Member Refugees International, USA.
A panel discussion followed by Q&A and a chance for informal discussion after the event.
Where Claygate Pavilion, Claygate Recreation Ground, Church Road, Claygate, Surrey, KT10 0JP
When 22nd March 6.30, for 7pm start
How to sign up-