Elmbridge Liberal Democrats successfully vote to reject ‘damaging’ Hersham Centre development plans.

At the planning committee meeting on 23 October, Elmbridge Liberal Democrats voted unanimously to reject the proposed Hersham Centre development.
Liberal Democrat councillors spoke passionately against the development, which Hersham residents have resoundingly opposed - with over 2900+ individual letters of objection, highlighting the concerns raised by Hersham residents on the doorstep and online.
During the meeting, Liberal Democrat Hersham ward Councillor, Wendy Gibbs, raised residents' concerns regarding the significant impact that the reduction in car parking spaces would have on the local community and surrounding streets. The reduction in car parking spaces would cause major damage to the local economy of Hersham, as Hershams primary mode of transport is by car due to the insufficient public transport network, impacting the livelihoods of Hersham residents.
Additionally, the privacy concerns for residents of Havers Avenue and Paul Vanson Court were highlighted - with the height of the proposed development looking into the gardens of residents of these streets. In addition to this, the height of the development would block light from coming into these streets.
We are pleased to report, that this development has been overwhelmingly rejected by the planning committee - with a 14-0 to reject - and that the Officers' recommendation was also to reject.
The Elmbridge Liberal Democrats will stand up for residents, and fight against future developments that are ‘not in keeping with the character of Hersham’ and oppose developments that sacrifice residents' amenities in favour of developer profits.