Local Plan: fighting for the best outcome for Elmbridge

Responding to comments by Dominic Raab and some Conservative Councillors about the development of Elmbridge Council’s Local Plan, Cllr Bruce McDonald, the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, said:
“It is disappointing to see these Tory lies. Liberal Democrat and Resident Councillors are working together to secure the best possible outcome for Elmbridge and our residents. The Plan we will shortly publish reflects our residents’ priorities and aspirations.
“It will make sure our communities and businesses can thrive, cherish the distinctive character of the Borough, have sustainability running right through it and protect our precious green belt.
“Instead of getting behind this cross party collaboration to get the best deal for our Borough, Dominic Raab and some of his Tory Councillors are undermining this effort.
“We believe it’s crucial that Elmbridge people have a voice in shaping our future. That’s what’s at the heart of our plan.
“It’s also why we are standing against the system of unrealistic and unachievable housing targets imposed by Dominic Raab’s government. People up and down the country, given the chance, are rejecting it because of the threat it poses to the Green Belt. We are standing up for Elmbridge.
“The Tories are playing childish political games. On issues as serious as this, Councillors should be putting party politics aside and working together on behalf of local residents.”