Laptop appeal for local school children. Could you help?

Have you or your business got a laptop you no longer need that could help a child learn from home?
We’ve been in touch with local schools who have confirmed there are families without access to laptops.
We have agreed to try and secure computers for one secondary school and if we get a good response, we’ll broaden our search to support other schools across the borough.
Can you help? If you have an old laptop, or perhaps run or are involved in a business that may have old, unused laptops that could be donated, please get in touch with me at
To avoid unnecessary trips and to minimise the administration for schools, if you could initially send me the brand and model together with the specification (memory, hard drive size etc.) by email. We will then get in touch with the school to see if this is a model they can adapt and use. Their IT team will wipe and prepare the machine for use.
Many thanks,
Jez Langham
Local Campaigner
Elmbridge Lib Dems