New Cabinet Meets for First Time

Elmbridge Borough Council’s Cabinet met for the first time since the recent election tonight. The Cabinet - which is made up from the Residents Associations and Liberal Democrat coalition which runs the Council - received a report on Council Performance.
Commenting on the report newly elected Council Leader Chris Sadler said:
“During all the turmoil and uncertainty of Covid, you will be pleased to hear that your Council has been outperforming its targets and the essential services that so many people rely on have not missed a beat.
Latest figures, presented at Cabinet this evening, show just how hard our officers have worked under the guidance of the coalition of Residents’ Associations and Liberal Democrats that runs Elmbridge Borough Council. I think we can be very proud of all their efforts.”
The performance figures that Cllr. Sadler refers to are:
- Number of homeless households in temporary accommodation is 50 against the target of 58.
- Time taken to process housing/Council tax benefits claims significantly reduced.
- Only two households sleeping rough at quarter end.
- Good progress made on extending the leisure facilities contract to 31 March 2023.
Customer services
- 83% satisfied customers against target of 75%.
- 92% customers satisfied with time taken to answer their call against target of 80%.
- Waste sent for recycling 24.9% versus target of 20%.
- Maintaining a high quality level of decision-making - appeal decisions dismissed 75% against a target of 65%.
Social Affairs
- Community support services for elderly and vulnerable residents maintained at a very high level.
Electoral services
- Delivered one of the most complex set of elections seen in years with Borough, County and Police & Crime Commissioner elections, all taking place at the same time plus a heavy push towards postal voting.
Community Wellbeing
- Elmbridge lottery launched, benefits 79 good causes with funds going to supplement our Small and Medium Grant Scheme.
Echoing Councillor Sadler’s comments, Bruce McDonald, Leader of the Liberal Democrats said :
"From experience I can see this report reflects solid performance - achieved in the midst of the pandemic. On top of what’s reflected here the Council’s staff have risen to the challenges the Covid crisis has presented. I am proud, as a newcomer, to have joined a team which is serving the people of our Borough well"
You can read the full report and additional appendices under Item 4 from the Cabinet meeting on the Elmbridge Borough Council website