One-off garden waste collection announced

Elmbridge Borough Council has announced that a one off garden waste collection is being arranged for the first two weeks of November so bins can be emptied.
Over the next few days subscribers to the garden waste service are receiving an email or letter letting them know the date of their collection. It will either be the week of 1 November or the week of 8 November depending on their location in the borough.
Surrey Live reported the news :
Elmbridge Borough Council’s portfolio holder for the Environment Councillor Ashley Tilling said: “I’m pleased we are now able to put in place, as we said we would, a one-off collection to enable our residents to have their garden waste bins emptied.
"Residents can be assured we are getting on with the job, pulling all the levers within our reach , to make our waste services as resilient as possible in the face of the ongoing shortages and we will keep at it "
The HGV crisis brought on by Brexit is worsening and some councils are now warning they will not be able to collect bins at Christmas (read more).
Elmbridge is prioritising the main collection over garden waste.
More information about the collection can be found on the Elmbridge Borough Council website here.