People's Party wins the Euro-elections
You would think after reading, listening or reading the media that UKIP won the Euro elections. In fact, they have come seventh. The votes have not all been counted but the clear winner is the People's Party. The People's Party does not stand in Britain that is probably why the BBC and Sky did not report much about it. The present picture is this.
Of the seven main parties, UKIP came last (UKIP is called EFD in the Euro parliament). As the number of seats currently stand, the pro-Europe parties have 79% of the seats and the Euro-sceptics have 21%. EPP = European People's Party SOC = Labour party LIB = Liberal Democrats GRN = Green party CON = Conservative party LEFT = Radical left party EFD = UKIP For the European Union to dissolve the Eurosceptic parties would have to gain over half the seats - possible but unlikely. They would also have to gain over half the votes in the European upper house - the European Council - again possible but unlikely. My hunch, and I could be wrong, is that the long term outcome is that Europe becomes more federal rather than breaking up. Only time will tell. Will Europe collapse before the remaining states have a chance to join - I do not think so.