Social Care announcement ‘long overdue’ but proposed 2028 timeframe ‘bewildering’ say Lib Dems

Social Care announcement ‘long overdue’ but proposed 2028 timeframe ‘bewildering’ say Lib Dems
The announcement of an independent Commission into adult social care is long overdue says Lib Dem Leader Ed Davey in response to the Health Secretaries announcement.
In a statement, reported by the Guardian, Ed Davey said:
“This announcement is long overdue. 2025 must be the year our politics finally rises to the challenge of fixing care - reforming social care and supporting family carers properly too.
This social care review must be cross-party if it is to credibly stand the test of time and help save our NHS, so it’s disappointing that the government has failed even to consult on its remit.
The measures to fix the immediate social care crisis left by the Conservatives lack the ambition needed to tackle the chronic shortage of trained care workers. As a carer for most of my life, I know how crucial it is to see the links between family care, social care and our NHS.
Liberal Democrats have long been campaigning for a cross-party commission on care, so we of course stand ready and eager to bring our ideas to this commission, and to make sure the voices of family carers are heard throughout the process.
The government must now convince people they are genuinely ready to listen.”
To find out more about the Liberal Democrat plans for Adult Social Care, click here.