The future of Elmbridge Paddling Pools

Part of our Vision is providing play resources for children across the Borough. We are also supportive of retaining facilities where possible. Sustainability must be at the centre of the long term answer though, as it is with all of our plans toward Vision 2030.
The paddling pools in Elmbridge based in Weybridge are coming to the end of their life. The council need to make a decision on what to do with these 2 facilities. The current wet play areas are extremely wasteful of water which must be emptied each day and are expensive to run.
The administration are committed to replace the 2 facilities with even more play areas, replacing not just the pools in Weybridge but providing more wet and dry facilities for children across the Borough. Replacement facilities will be even more fun for children than what are currently available, but will be cheaper to run and less wasteful of water.
To facilitate the best way forward, we are conducting analysis to see how we can deliver the best resources for children’s play across the broadest geography. When that research has been carried out, we will be in a much better position to provide sustainable long term play facilities.
The Liberal Democrats in administration with the Residents Association are committed to funding the best play equipment, including wet/dry play areas for children across the Borough, our improvement program will not only benefit Weybridge but will also target other areas that don’t currently enjoy the same level of facilities.
Our goal is to provide spaces that are good for the environment, low maintenance and most of all fun for children.
Cllr Robin Stephens