We're here to help

Information and advice for our community
While we’re in another national lockdown, we wanted to make sure you were aware of where to get the most up-to-date advice and support.
This virus sadly isn’t just going to go away quickly despite the hope a vaccine has brought us.
But as difficult as it is, we will get through this by working together as a community.
Throughout this new lockdown we will continue to do what we can to help.
You can also sign up for our email updates.
Useful contact and information links
Latest Government and NHS Advice
Latest Elmbridge Advice and Information
Helpline: 0300 200 1008
SMS: 0786 0053 465
Elmbridge clinically vulnerable and shielding
Call: 01372 474 900
Getting a Covid Test
Call: 119
Mental Health Helpline
Call: 0800 915 4644
The Samaritans
Call: 116 123
Domestic Abuse Helpline
Call: 01932 260690
Elmbridge Volunteer Centre
Call: 01372 463587
Scam alert
The NHS are arranging vaccinations in order of priority. The vaccine is free and only available on the NHS. The NHS will contact you when it’s your turn. They’ll never ask for bank details, to press a button on your keypad and are not making house calls.
Food Banks
If you are able, please continue to make contributions to your local Food Bank through collection points or contacting them directly.
Walton & Hersham Foodbank
Tel: 0203 328 0243 / 07884 046665
East Elmbridge Foodbank
Tel: 07908 777475
Cobham Foodbank
Tel: 01932 450282
Runnymede & Weybridge
Tel: 01932 943056
Are you registered for a postal vote?
At the time of writing the Government has said that elections will go ahead on May 6th 2021. This year’s elections could be very different and we’re asking residents to be prepared by registering for a postal vote to make sure their voice is heard.
You can download a form from the Elmbridge Borough Council website and return it by post or email.
Time to support unpaid carers
Lib Dems are calling for £1000 boost for the 1,214 people who care for loved ones in Elmbridge.
Unpaid carers in Elmbridge are doing a remarkable job in very difficult circumstances.
The Lib Dems are determined to stand up for carers and fight to get them the support they deserve.
Sign our petition: www.LibDems.org.uk/carers
Contact the Lib Dem team
If there is anything you would like help with, please get in touch:
- Email: hello@elmbridgelibdems.org.uk
- Twitter: @ElmbridgeLibDem
- Facebook: @ElmbridgeLibDem