Put yourself in the picture - Elmbridge Self-Portrait Competition 2014: Me, Myself and I
You can use any of the following media for your work: • Photography • Painting • Drawing • Printmaking • Sculpture • Mix...
You can use any of the following media for your work: • Photography • Painting • Drawing • Printmaking • Sculpture • Mix...
In 2012-13 thirty complaints were made to the local government ombudsman regarding Elmbridge borough. Of these five wer...
Weybridge begins its first CIL consultations on individual grants. There is one grant to consider. The consultation ru...
It has taken some hard choices - and the remarkable effort of millions of people and business around the country - but t...
As in previous years, our borough will be holding a meeting on 22 January to give burghers the opportunity to find out a...
Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014